Gina L
Interview – Gina Lombardi

SNI: What is the most idiotic thing you’ve ever heard from a client or trainer regarding personal training? Gina Lombardi: Where do I begin…there are […]

Interview – Ashleigh Gass, CISSN

SNI:  If there is ONE dietary strategy that you could implement in a novice fitness/health enthusiast, what would it be and why? Ashleigh: Well, to […]

Interview – Nick Tumminello

SNI:  What is the most idiotic thing you’ve heard in the world of personal training (i.e. training methods, theories, practices, etc)? NT: Trainers who train […]

Creatine mpharm
Creatine monohydrate vs ethyl ester

By: Jose Antonio PhD Date Published: July 2011 In the ongoing debate between which is better, creatine monohydrate versus creatine ethyl ester, the winner is? […]

Interview – Melissa Traynor, CISSN, CPT-HFS

SNI:   You’ve recently earned the CISSN certification (ISSN’s sports nutrition certification).  Which is more important in attaining a lean physique?  Diet or Exercise?  (Or […]

Doug Kalman head photo
Interview – Doug Kalman PhD RD FISSN

SNI: What is the difference between being a ‘dietitian’ and ‘sports nutritionist?’ Dr. Kalman: Good question! A dietitian typically is someone trained to work in […]

Juan and JA at NSCA
Interview – Juan Carlos Santana, CSCS

SNI:  What are the top 3 myths regarding weight-training/conditioning that you deal with as a strength and conditioning professional? Juan Carlos: WEIGHT TRAINING WILL STUNT […]